Guild Bank

We have a guild bank which you can access from the guild stronghold.  If you are F2P, you will need the Guild Bank unlock from the Cartel Market in order to use it.  You can find information here about the different Guild Bank vaults and our repair policy.

General Supplies

This vault has a lot of random gear.  Recruits are allowed one item per week.  Members are allowed two items per week.  We also try to keep it stocked with various items to help new players such as mounts and XP boosts.  If you find something you need, take it.

If you want to take more than your limit, message a guild officer and most likely if you need it they will let you have it.

Crafting Materials

We store our extra crafting materials here.  If you accumulate materials and aren't a crafter yourself or have materials you don't need, donate them here.  This will let us make cool stuff for the guild such as decorations and items for new players.


We allow you to use guild funds for repairs.  Recruits can use up to 500 credits per week and Members can use up to 2000.

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